Presenting a Biblical response by concerned former Seventh-day Adventists to the Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.

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Commentary on "Rest and Restoration"



Day 5: Wednesday, May 12, 2010



The theme for today is our need for daily rest which the lesson author asserts was designed by God in a “natural rhythm” during the creation week.

The context of the lesson suggests that the real topic is ‘getting a good night’s sleep’ by ceasing the work we are do during the day.



It is without dispute that present day mankind needs quality daily rest in the form of a “good night’s sleep” to regenerate the body and maintain good health.

Since the bible makes no mention of mankind resting for the purpose of regeneration prior to the entrance of sin into our lives, it is an unwarranted assumption that this has always been one of our needs. After all, it is because of the effects of sin on our lives that we must have rest. Furthermore, all the good health practices in the world will not negate the fact that we face physical death.

The mention of the ‘circadian rhythm’ in the lesson isn’t germane to this discussion since the importance of sleep during a 24 hour cycle of night and day was known as far back as the fourth century B.C. The quote by Ellen White that “Sleep before twelve o’clock” isn’t relevant either because medical science had already revealed this information.

It is interesting to notice that the first mention of sleep in the bible has nothing to do with the need for rest to regenerate the body:

So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. (Gen. 2:21 ESV)

In addition to what the lesson has to offer, here is a biblical based suggestion for having a good night’s sleep that produces real rest:

In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety….Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. (Psa. 4:8 & Eph. 4:26-27 ESV)



  1. We know, without having to be told, that we need daily rest in the form of “a good night’s sleep” to maintain good physical health.
  2. If we wish to understand the ‘root cause’ of our need for rest from God’s point of view, we should stay within the limits of Scripture rather than turning to what medical science is currently teaching. Science changes and evolves for a variety of reasons. What was ‘true’ one day is often discarded on the next day. God’s word does not change and brings peace into our lives that produces true rest.
  3. Medical science can be helpful for understanding how to have true physical rest but it must have a foundation that does not contradict or ignore what God reveals in his word. For instance, the bible suggests that if you wish to have true rest, the solution includes the need to ‘not let the sun go down on your anger’.




Copyright 2010 All rights reserved. Revised April 27, 2010. This website is published by Life Assurance Ministries, Glendale, Arizona, USA, the publisher of Proclamation! Magazine. Contact email:

The Sabbath School Bible Study Guide and the corresponding E.G. White Notes are published by Pacific Press Publishing Association, which is owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist church. The current quarter's editions are pictured above.


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